Thursday, December 26, 2013

Quick, before she's gone!

Elves move pretty fast, which is why this photo is a bit out of focus....

Daily Haiku

If you see an elf
Run and catch him if you can
But I'll bet you can't 


TheChieftess said...

Too cute!!! Merry Christmas Bibi!!!

Bob Crowe said...

But it was certainly worth the effort. As a rather new grandfather, I am enjoying having children around again at this time of the year. Holiday cheer to you and Serbia.

Gaelyn said...

You are quick to catch this elf.

Alexa said...

Sweet. Hope you got to enjoy Christmas with your own little elf.

Thérèse said...

Adorable... j'ai suivi de la meme facon une paire de chaussures ce matin... je n'ai pas encore vu le resultat sur ecran mais je pense que c;est du meme ordre d'idee... :-)

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Too cute!

Lowell said...

You can't fool me. You were holding the camera down by your side and it was cold and you'd never seen a running elf before. "Nervous makes a photo shake." I just made that up so it must be true! :)

Re the Sandhill Cranes: If they could locate lost golf balls I'd put a harness on them and tie them to my golf cart. They could save me a fortune!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.