Wednesday, January 29, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY: "C" is for "colorful"

Colorful and not always so healthy, at least as far as the popcorn is concerned.  Those colors are almost surreal.

Coke's not good for you either, but beer has vitamin B!  My doctor even once told me to drink beer .  And the color in the cans won't hurt you.

Name your poison.

See other Cs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
 Colors caught my eye
I was tempted to sample
But thought of my health


Ann said...

Well Diet Coke is my poison, I have cut down though. Such colorful popcorn and always tasty.

photowannabe said...

Colorful but Convicting.

Roger Owen Green said...

Red popcorn? What's in it?

William Kendall said...

Very colourful indeed, though admittedly I'm indifferent to popcorn.

ellen b. said...

Name my evening cocktail! Love all the color in your photo!

Hildred said...

I often feel the need for extra Vitamin B on a hot day in summer.

Leslie: said...

I'd drink the beer for health reasons if I could drink it without gagging! LOL

abcw team

Unknown said...

Clearly a clever capture for colorful

PhenoMenon,ABC Team

TheChieftess said...

Beer is an excellent hydrator...along the lines of a sports drink...with a little extra pizzazz!!!

Lowell said...

Funny post. You'll get a lot of reaction to this. None of these items appeal to me at all...the beer I can leave or take but that's pretty much empty calories. :)

Snapperoni :: Photography said...

Popcorn in so many colours! How nice. said...

popcorn or beer? I'll have both please...

Alexa said...

Poison is right (at least in the case of the Coke and maybe the food dyes as well)! Could I have a colorful kir instead?

Powell River Books said...

I knew there was a reason I like beer so much. - Margy


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