Thursday, January 30, 2014

Les reveries du promeneur solitaire

Who knows what thoughts run through this old man's mind as he makes his way up Belgrade's Bohemian street, Skadarlija?  Perhaps he's read Jean-Jacques Rousseau's work in the title, or perhaps not.  He may be simply thinking about what's for lunch.

Daily Haiku
Clear your monkey mind
Concentrate on the moment
And live your life now 


Gunn said...

Very pretty and picturesque.
Love the colors too.

William Kendall said...

A wonderful slice of life shot. The cobblestones really appeal to me.

Tamera said...

Belgrade is so timelessly photogenic. I love this picture. It could have been taken 75 years ago or yesterday.

Lowell said...

A truly beautiful composition...the street is romantic and picturesque,the colors are superb and the old man brings it all together. This is a keeper. Frame and hang!

Indrani said...

The atmosphere is such: one is at peace and can think! :)

TheChieftess said...

What a lovely area to walk and contemplate life...

Alexa said...

Yes, he's probably thinking about soup. :~} Nice shot—and what a pretty street that is!

Gaelyn said...

Maybe he's contemplating his shoes.
Great shot!

Thérèse said...

Bien vu. Concentration cote esprit et cote "ou poser les pieds" pour ne pas se les tordre... :-)


This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...