Wednesday, January 8, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "Z" is for "zaroon"

Bibi is never at a loss for admirers, so it wasn't a surprise when these two fellow from Dubai called for her to come over.  Being the attention seeker she is, she obliged.

Both fellow were visiting Belgrade for a few days, and were surprised to learn I'd just passed through Dubai.

I was at a loss for a Z today, so I googled 'Arabic words that begin with Z' and came up with 'zaroon', which means 'visitor'.  I love Google...

Linking to
Daily Haiku
Faraway places
Can be closer than we think
If we look around


Roger Owen Green said...

GREAT Z word!
And you are always appreciated in these parts too!
ROG, ABC Wednesday

Leslie: said...

Aha! Perfect choice for today. I always thought "Bibi" was your nickname (or real, for that matter) but now I realiZe it's your dog. :D

abcw team

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! Isn't Google great? (Except when they track what we do...)

Luis Gomez said...

Great picture Pat! Love it.

Gaelyn said...

Good one. Bibi looks content.

Olivier said...

en effet merci "Google" ;)) ils doivent trouver un bel ecart de temperature entre dubai et belgrade ;)

MaR said...

Clever Z word!!

Z is for...

Alexa said...

Great Z word—and love that friendly Bibi! Looks like it's a lot warmer there than it is here in NYC right now (current temp is 9°F with a wind chill of -2° (-19°C).

Lowell said...

You are smart and creative. Must be all the zarooning you do! Cute shot. Don't much like Dubai, though.

Ann said...

Google is my friend too--love all the great words you can find. Very cool word and great meeting two from Dubai.

Tash said...



This phone 'booth' has been in this place for ages. I may just pass at the wrong time, but I have never seen anyone using it. I thin...