Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Mindfulness means fully living in the present; concentrating and focusing your attention on what is around you.

While making a salad the other day, I became aware how beautiful this red bell pepper was, plopped amidst the cucumber peelings in my sink.  I watched the water flow over it, creating little splashes.

Do you ever take time to appreciate what some might feel are insignificant things?

Daily Haiku

Red, juicy, and proud
Amidst green discarded peels
Waiting for my knife 


Olivier said...

l'oeil du photographe

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice post Pat. Thank you.

Thérèse said...

L'arret sur le temps qui passe dans les moindres choses eveille l'esprit a la baute de l'instant.

Lynette said...

Fabulous post. I do that all of the time--it's part of my way of life.

Gaelyn said...

Not as frequently as I should, or as you do. You have an amazing eye.

Indrani said...

I do rarely, wish I could pause more. :)
Lovely pic and the lines.

Lowell said...

Very creative and a beautiful photo. And yes, I do remember your photo of the girl with the blue hair. I think it's the same wig!

TheChieftess said...

Fabulous photo Bibi!!! And your haiku fits so perfectly!!!


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