Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY''"B" is for "Belka and Boyana"

This is Belka and Bojana (pronounced BOY-ana), whom I see occasionally in the park. I'd been struck by how much they look least their hair.

See other B's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Run your fingers through
My long, blond, soft, shaggy hair  
Human or canine


William Kendall said...

Well, you know they do say dogs and owners end up resembling each other in ways....

Excellent portrait of both!

Carver said...

Great shot. They are a beautiful pair. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

ellen b. said...

They do have some things in common. Happy ABC's to you...

Unknown said...

That is a great shot, both with the same expressions on their faces and of course, the hair.

photowannabe said...

Definitely see some similarities.
Great capture.

Roger Owen Green said...

Well-known trait!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

TheChieftess said...

They say the older we get, the more we look like our dogs and our spouses!!! I think I'd rather be blonde than bald!!!

Tamera said...

Great portrait of these two! They make a cute pair. I guess dogs really do sometimes look like their people.

Luis Gomez said...

Great portrait.

Lowell said...

I'd guess this is another of your street photos. It was nice that two of them posed for you. And yes, they do share hairy similarities. Were you able to recommend a hair salon that offers 2-for-1 service?

Katie (Nature ID) said...

Ha! There has to be a term for when owners and their pets look a lot alike. I see it all the time on the Rec Trail where many people walk their dogs.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» was thinking the same thing!

Ann said...

Both BEAUTIFUL creatures.

Hildred said...

Beautiful blondes, - you see them everywhere...

Leslie: said...

Isn't that what people usually say about you and your dog end up looking like each other? Great shot!

abcw team

SamuraiFrog said...

That's a beautiful shot.

Susan Moore said...

Pretty picture, and I like your Haiku :)

Alexa said...

Yes, they do. Both very attractive in their own (human or canine) way!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

You're right and this is a particularly pleasing portrait.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...