Thursday, January 23, 2014

How many do you have?

How many keys do you have on your keychain?  I have four. My car keys are on a separate chain.

This impressive fistful belongs to my photo buddy. 

Daily Haiku
When grandma was young
No one had to lock their doors
When did fear creep in? 


Alexa said...

Not this many! (Four, actually—main building door, two to my door, and a mailbox key. No car.)

Olivier said...

ah ah , on dirait mon porte clé, ce qui fait que je passe mon temps a chercher la bonne clé ;)

Lowell said...

Good lord, what are all those for? I carry my car key and house key. Can't stand a bunch of keys in my pocket or hanging from my belt.

Indrani said...

That is interesting. I have 3. :)

William Kendall said...

I've got two- house keys and an office key.

TheChieftess said...

Used to have that many when I was working...not anymore!!!


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...