Friday, January 24, 2014

SKYWATCH--the birds on the tree in the sand

Little birds on bare branches on a tree in the Deliblato Sands, about an hour's drive from Belgrade.  You can read a short explanation of the Sands and see some more photos on my Flickr link.

See more skies at  SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Sky before sunset
Chill winds blow across the sands
Silencing the birds


Luis Gomez said...

Very interesting.

LV said...

The birds no matter where tend to find to look out over the countryside.

carol l mckenna said...

Great sky and bird photo and love your haiku ~
carol, xxx

Lowell said...

A few of the trees in our backyard have lost their leaves and they fill up with crows. Which, at times, means a lot of noise - cawing and hawing.

This is a very nice shot - silhouetted against the sky! And you certainly have a talent for haiku!

Thérèse said...

I loved all of the pictures!
The one with the fox is... I don't have any word for it :-)
And Bibi seems to have had the best time ever. said...

Perfect silhouettes of both the darling little birds and the branches they rest upon.

Alexa said...

Beautiful shot—but they look cold!

Pearl Maple said...

sweet combination of writing and lovely photo, thanks for sharing with sky watch Friday

Indrani said...

Nice silhouette, good haiku on that.

Carola said...

Wonderful silhouette shot!

TheChieftess said...

A Gothic interpretation of Hichcock's "The Birds"!!!


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