Thursday, January 9, 2014

La Dame en Bleu

I was shopping with a friend the other day when I spotted this woman in blue through the shop window.

Not quite my style, but I admire women who have the guts to dress like this.

And you?

The title is a reference to Michel Delville's 1973 film with Michel Piccoli and Lea Massari, which you can read about here.   It's a story about obsession....  Nothing good on Youtube!

Daily Haiku

  Knight on a white horse
Elusive woman in blue
Vanish like rainbows


Luis Gomez said...

I hope she is at least warm.

Olivier said...

ah la tres belle Lea Massari...un beau de film de Deville

Olivier said...
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Gaelyn said...

Marvolous, simply marvolous.

Tash said...

wow! amazing colors!!! I do like her style but could not pull it off myself. Terrific photo Bibi.

Indrani said...

I too admire her guts. :)

Lowell said...

You won't see this in Ocala! As you know, we have people wearing blue hair which would go well with the coat and head scarf, but...

All she needs is a blue purse!

Alexa said...

Will reluctantly admit that my first thought was "madwoman of Chaillot" and my second was "Smurfette's grandma." On the other hand, she gets lots of points for sheer chutzpah!

Thérèse said...

J'adore mais es-tu restée assez longtemps pour savoir par quoi elle a été tentée et vers quoi s'est porté son choix?? :-)


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...