Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "D" is for "dogs"

Do you remember Katja, whom I've shown you several times since 2009?  If you click on that link, you'll see that at that time she had over 250 dogs...  With thanks to a very good friend of hers, homes were found for the great majority, and Katja has now moved into another little house with a large yard, where she has kept about 9 of her older pets.

This little lady will be 72 tomorrow.  Happy Birthday, Katja!

See other Ds on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Daily Haiku
Your dog's eyes reflect
 Images of your own soul
And warm your heart


photowannabe said...

Wow, 250 is a huge amount of dogs to keep and to find homes for.
Lovely picture of Katja.

Richard Lawry said...

That is a lot of dogs!
An Arkie's Musings

Leslie: said...

I'm a dog lover, too, but that many dogs? She is an angel!

abcw team

Lowell said...

I can't imagine how she handled that many dogs at one time. More power to her, though. Too many animals are being euthanized.

Roger Owen Green said...

250 dogs! Goodness. I think 9 is a lot, myself, but good for her.
ROG, ABC Wednesday

Alexa said...

She has a big heart. Happy Birthday to you, Katja!

Joy said...

Wow that is a lot of dogs. God bless her. Happy Birthday to Katja.
Joy - ABC Team

Shailaja V said...

Ok she just re defined Amazing! Hats off to her!

Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla said...

I went to see the picture, that's a lot of dogs! But she looked so happy. Happy Birthday to Katja!

Thérèse said...

Oh yes I do remember.

Kate said...

She is dog lover par excellent!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.