Thursday, February 6, 2014

Street Dogs at Singidunum

Two art-loving dogs waiting for the Singidunum art gallery to open.

Singidunum was the name of the original Roman 3rd century B.C. settlement that became Belgrade.

This post goes out to Katja, whom I showed you yesterday. It's her birthday!

Daily Haiku
Relaxed, but alert
Four eyes fixed on my camera
While I snap away


Olivier said...

tres bien vu les deux chiens, on a l'impression qu'ils sont eloignes l'un de l'autre

William Kendall said...

What a cute pair! said...

Happy Birthday Katja!
These two really do look as if they are waiting for the opening.
; ) said...

Happy belated birthday Bibi!
; )

Bob Crowe said...

Yes, right. They don't look hostile, but . . .

Indrani said...

They look so ready for a photo shoot! :)

Thérèse said...

Sages et intéressés, bien élevés.

Bon anniversaire Katja!

Kate said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY greetings to Katja! Seems like the dogs are alert to her special day, too.

Lowell said...

It's so sad that such good-looking creatures don't have a home.

That's quite a fancy name that was changed to Belgrade. The place has been around a long, long time!

Happy Birthday to Katja!

Luis Gomez said...

These two are great!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.