Wednesday, February 12, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY - "E" is for "Elderly"

Old age....we're all going to get there, unless Fate steps in beforehand.  We'll all need a little support of some kind, as these two people.

Daily Haiku
We'll walk on three legs
Says the riddle of the Sphinx
Treat elders kindly

See other E's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Kate said...

Wonderful haiku to complement the photo and the B&W is a perfect choice for it. Kate, ABC Team

Luis Gomez said...

What a wonderful shot. Beautiful!

Roger Owen Green said...

Hoping to get there! Nice shot.

William Kendall said...

A good portrait.

Leslie: said...

It always comes as a shock when newscasters refer to someone as being "elderly" when they're younger than I am! But then yesterday, I heard someone say that the 60's and 70's are now "middle age" and that made me feel much better! LOL

abcw team

Olivier said...

a chacun sa canne, c'est tres bien vu

Thérèse said...

Si bien vu!

Snapperoni :: Photography said...

Really love how you caught the moment, of these two elderly standing there waiting to cross.

Alexa said...

Looks like perhaps the lady could also use a cane, or maybe she's a bit too proud to accept the inevitable. If so, I think I know just how she feels. :~} Love your haiku too.

Ann said...

If 60 is the 50, I'm doing wonderful. I have so much respect for people who are "elderly" and keep active.

Lowell said...

It's not easy getting old; especially if one's health fails or the infirmities of the extremities increase. I used a cane for awhile after I injured my knee. Did not like it!

Very poignant photo!

Linda said...

Marvelous picture! I remember when I thought people my age were elderly. Dear me!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.