Thursday, February 13, 2014

Punished pup

Just before I took this photo, the dog had been yelled at for having barked at a passer-by. He was made to sit just so and didn't even move as I walked by.

Daily Haiku
Boundless joy refrained
He sits sorrowful and still
Lonesome and ashamed


William Kendall said...

The pup's just saying hello...

Lovely shot... very ethereal.

Thérèse said...

Il ne saura malheureusement rien de son côté joliment immortalisé...
Nous avons des voisins avec un chien que je suppose porter un de ces colliers qui envoie une légère décharge lorsqu'il aboie... Son unique aboiement, vite étouffé, par moment, me remplit de tristesse.

Tamera said...

Ah, it's all part of training a dog! My boyfriend is a mailman, and "friendly" dogs are something he has to deal with every day. Sometimes they are actually not so friendly after all, just badly behaved or even aggressive. I wish their owners were more diligent about training their dogs to behave like gentlemen.

Luis Gomez said...

Gorgeous! Absolutely beautiful shot.

Lowell said...

It's hard to be punished for doing what it's one's nature to do! Lovely photo, Bibi!

Alexa said...

Sounds like he's been well-trained not to bark at people. But hey, we all have our momentary lapses, right?

Kate said...

As a dog lover, I know that dogs feel shame. You recorded a poignant moment.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.