Wednesday, February 19, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "F" is for 'fur'

This snow is a couple of weeks old, and recently the temperatures have been springlike.

You still see fur coats here, the real stuff.

How about where you live?

See other Fs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
How many little lives 
Were given to make this coat
Wool coats are warm too


Tamera said...

Fur is bad :^( But this is a great street shot, Bibi!

Lowell said...

It sure looks cold, that's fur sure!

Alexa said...

I almost never wear mine—but have hauled it out a couple of times this frigid winter. (Quite a difference between this woman and vieille dame from yesterday.)

Luis Gomez said...

That is a lot of fur.

William Kendall said...

A good street shot.

Fur coats would be a very rare thing here.

Roger Owen Green said...

What is this "spring" you speak of?


Kate said...

Depending upon where one lives, furs sometimes are essential. I spent some time in Siberia on a school field trip and really envied the people there who wore them. I inherited a fur but am reluctant to wear it because of social attitudes about furs. when our city in Minnesota endured weeks of below zero temperature this season I was glad I had it!

Thérèse said...

Meme reflexion qu' a ta photo d'hier...

Ingrid said...

A fur coat ? People would throw tomatoes or eggs on women wearing this !
ABC Wednesday

Anonymous said...

Just read that you have lived 35 years in Serbia ... every time I go back to my country of origin, things have changed, new words are in vogue,and views/opinions have changed (I try to go at least once in 5 years).
At least here in the USA there is now strong opposition to killing animals for fur - so real fur is not anymore the cool thing to do:)

Ann said...

I think she looks beautiful.

Leslie: said...

We never see fur anymore. My mother had a beautiful one but it's politically incorrect now.

abcw team


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.