Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A little (pre) spring music

The bust of Stefan Mokranjac,(1856-1914) known as "father of Serbian music" and the "most important figure of Serbian musical romanticism".

Daily Haiku
Some say music is
A language all understand
Even savage beasts


William Kendall said...

An imposing looking bust... but the name eludes me.

Lowell said...

Love your haiku. You really ought to publish a book of haiku with your photos. They are superb!

Looks like you've got some green grass in anticipation of spring's arrival!

P.S. I didn't plant any actual plant bulbs. I was just kidding. But them I'm kind of a dim bulb myself!

Lowell said...

Hi again. I forgot to mention that I love your new header!

Luis Gomez said...

Spring is coming. Looking good. Nice header Pat.

William Kendall said...

I suspect my mother would have known his music.

Alexa said...

Looks like he has a nice vantage point from which to enjoy spring—when it finally comes. (Here in NYC, a high of 62°F today but not above 28°F on Thursday!)


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