Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "I" is for "innovative"

On a short trip to Krakow, Poland, I caught this fellow walking along on Grodzka Street downtown.  Not sure what these are called, but I imagine they take some getting used to.

See other I's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.
Daily Haiku
With a smooth, strong gait
He strode by purposefully
Talking on his phone


Carver said...

That is an innovative way to walk. Great shot! Carver, ABC Wed. Team

William Kendall said...

I've seen those a couple of times. I have no idea what they're called though...

Roger Owen Green said...

Probably NOT what Ill be wearing.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Bob Crowe said...

And on a cell phone yet, hardly looking where he is going. I wouldn't make a single step on these. said...

So futuristic. I wonder if it's a new exercise trend?

Anonymous said...

I think one must have some sort of natural balance to use those things. I know that I would topple over in short order!

Lowell said...

Those are just plain weird. What got me is that no one else is paying any attention to him and his foot attachments!

Terrific shot, Bibi!

And, of course, he's on the phone. Who isn't these days? :)

Luis Gomez said...

Great colors!

Virginia said...

That scares me just to look at those things. Great haiku as well.

Alexa said...

Here in the U.S., they're called jumping stilts and they're made by a couple of companies (average price is around $300!). Nicely captured, and great choice for the letter I --

Powell River Books said...

I can't imagine walking on those. He must have good balance. - Margy

Indrani said...

OMG! What are they called?
I am sure one can walk faster with those.

TheChieftess said...

Some women will go to extremes for a new and innovative shoe!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.