Wednesday, March 19, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "J" is for "Jellybelly"

Belgrade has quite a number of street dogs, many of whom scrounge on a daily basis to stay alive.

Others, like the big boy in this photo, are lucky enough to have someone (in his case, probably several people) to feed him.

Not sure what his name is, but he hangs out in Kalemegdan Park near the souvenir stands.  I call him Jellybelly.

Daily Haiku
No longer in need
Stomach full and contented
He waits for a pat

See other J's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Lowell said...

Why "Jellybelly"? Does his belly wiggle (like Santa's does) when he walks? Look like a sweet animal. You could take him home, you know! But maybe you've got enough to do without another dog. :)

photowannabe said...

Just a perfect name for that contented dog.
I really like your Haiku.
Well done Job.

Jocee said...

He has the face to be a success at getting food and attention. Just gorgeous.

ellen b. said...

Looks like Jellybelly is being well taken care of...
My J is all about Juncos...

Reader Wil said...

The dog is beautiful and looks healthy enough!
Wil, ABCW Team.

Leslie: said...

He's gorgeous but his eyes look sad even though he looks like he is well fed.

abcw team

William Kendall said...

He's a handsome fellow!

TheChieftess said...

Haha!!! I call my pup jelly belly when she gets jealous of the kitties!!!

Alexa said...

He does look like he's charmed several people into keeping him well-fed.

Roger Owen Green said...

A charming creature said...

I love the endearing expression on his face.
& your name for him is perfect Bibi.

Pat said...

Lowell, the title is from a book that my son loved when he was little!"

Thérèse said...

En effet!
It was hard to keep our children away from jelly beans...

Tamera said...

Who could say no to that face? ;^)

Kate said...

Oh, I certainly hope that someone adopts him and puts him on a healthier diet!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
It looks like Jellybelly has a LOT of friends feeding him! :-)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.