Thursday, March 20, 2014

Signs of spring

Spring seems to be just around the corner, as shown by the flowers and the spring colors worn by the two folks in the bottom photo.

Daily Haiku
Winter slams its door
Awakening spring flowers
And a new wardrobe 


Kate said...

Great Haiku that identifies the season and describes the photos!

Lowell said...

Lots of fun colors in these photos. Not too often you see people as colorful as a plot of flowers! That guy's shoes are too much, as well as the lady's purple stockings.

Great slices-of-life and haiku!

William Kendall said...

Um, he's actually going around wearing yellow pants?

TheChieftess said...

Hello Spring!!!

Thérèse said...

Cela fait du bien aux yeux!

Alexa said...

Those folks are definitely ready for spring! (Me too, but I'm still wearing black.) Haven't seen any flowers here yet. :~{ said...

A perfect Haiku for today! & your pictures are an equally perfect fit as well.
Happy spring Bibi!

Louis la Vache said...

Spring is coming not a moment too soon!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.