Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The other day, March 20th, as you can see on the girl's shirt, I was walking in Tasmajdan Park and was given one of these pink roses for Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

This post goes out to all men (yes, you can) and women who have been touched by breast cancer or know someone who has.

Daily Haiku
Turning a blind eye
Won't make problems disappear
They fester and grow



William Kendall said...

A good haiku, and appropriate for the theme.

That's a very good idea... and the shot's lovely. Is that a church in the background (I think) or something else entirely?

Thérèse said...

Un geste fait avec beaucoup de grace et de larges sourires.

Indrani said...

Strong message in the haiku and a lovely capture for the theme.

Lowell said...

This relates to a very good friend of ours who is recovering from recent surgery. A lovely portrait of a beautiful family!

Alexa said...

What a lovely thing for this family to do together. (And you're right—I know a man who had breast cancer. Past tense and doing fine now, fortunately.)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.