Monday, March 24, 2014

Can be married

When I saw this Serbian Orthodox priest walking arm-in-arm with this young woman (not too obvious from this photo), I had to remind myself that Eastern Orthodox priests may be married, if they are married before they're ordained.

I liked the juxtaposition of the heart on the blood donation truck behind them...

Daily Haiku
Love with all your heart
Deeply and passionately
That is life's meaning 


Kate said...

What a great find, Bibi!! One of your best haikus yet!!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Great decision on the part of Eastern Orthodoxy. Love the post and the Haiki. Especially on Sunday.....

Lowell said...

You got this shot perfectly! The heart brings it all together. The inconsistency of the Church of Rome re married priests creates a lot of confusion and some ill will. There are a number of former Episcopal priests now serving in the Roman Church who are married. For nearly a 1000 years, Roman Catholic priests could be married. And Orthodoxy has always allowed for married priests.

At the very least, celibacy ought to be voluntary, but I'd hope soon we'd outgrow this medieval notion that somehow sex is "less" than no sex and thus celibacy is preferred.

I guess first on the agenda is for the Vatican to recognize the growing number of women priests!

William Kendall said...

Good haiku. And very sensible of the Orthodox church to make such allowances. They look happy together.

Bob Crowe said...

It is a wonderful composition. I think the Roman Catholic church's position on this is nuts (and I was raised in it). If I understand correctly, the policy came into being centuries after Christ and was about inheritance and money.

Olivier said...

tres bien choisir l'endroit ;))

Alexa said...

Your timing was impeccable, comme d'habitude.

Thérèse said...

Excellent picture with the background.

TheChieftess said...

I've never understood the concept of celibacy for a priest...of any religion, sect, or whatever. It just doesn't make sense to me. Although I do get that hormones can certainly screw up a few things in people's lives, those hormones are still there, celibate or not and can wreak even more havoc in denial.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.