Saturday, March 22, 2014


"L’homme n’est qu’un roseau, le plus faible de la nature ; mais c’est un roseau pensant," said Blaise Pascal.  (Man is but a reed, the weakest of nature's creations, but he is a reed that thinks)  By this Pascal meant that man can transcend his weaknesses.

Be that as it may, these reeds stand tall amidst a reflection in the Sava River here in Belgrade.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.

Daily Haiku
Reflections floating
Reeds rising from the cold, clear water
 Tall, straight, and proud
P.S. Just saw that today is World Water Day---here's your water.


Lowell said...

Well, Pascal wasn't always wrong. He was wrong about the "wager," but right about reeds!

Gorgeous photo and the quote is great and your haiku is spot-on!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shot! It looks quite artistic.

Indrani said...

This looks so abstract.
Well seen and taken.
Happy weekend to you!

Jim said...


Viera said...

Great shot...

'Tsuki said...

Pascal a écrit beaucoup de bêtise... ^^

Sinon très belle photo : les motifs formés par le reflet et les roseaux font rêver.

Adrienne said...

I really love this - it looks like a watercolor painting!

Louis la Vache said...

Fabulous, Bibi!
Three cheers! Perfect for Weekend Reflections!

Luis Gomez said...

What a gorgeous capture!

Gaelyn said...

Oh to have the strength and resiliency of a reed.

Laura said...

Both the photo and haiku are so lovely!

Linda said...

Gorgeous color, exceptional photo!

Gabi said...

Awesome picture!!!

Thérèse said...

Haiku et image s'assemblent si bien.
Et puis ces quatre "tournicotis/tournicotons" rendent cette image bien originale.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.