Friday, March 21, 2014

SKYWATCH: Somewhere in Texas

No, it's not Texas or Oklahoma or anywhere in the US, but to me it looks like it.

This is another "through the window from a moving bus in low light" photo taken on my way back from Krakow a short while ago, like the post I'd shown you here.

See other skies on  SKYWATCH.
Daily Haiku
 Across the morning sky
Dark lines connecting places
I will never see



Lowell said...

Certainly looks like the areas in Oklahoma and Texas that we have traveled in the past. Wide-open spaces; very spooky at night!

carol l mckenna said...

serene photo for SWF ~ xxx

artmusedog and carol

William Kendall said...

It does have a very moody quality to the shot.

Indrani said...

Looks like a haunted place. Can be used in a story.
Good photo effect.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

This could also be a shot from our California desert. It's got that feel to it.

Light and Voices said...

Hey, I like the haiku. Perfect for that shot. Timeless photo. Excellent job!
JM Illinois

DrillerAA said...

Very interesting image. There is a mood here that I really like. Well done.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice!

Heather said...

It does look like a US highway in the middle of nowhere! My photo

Alexa said...

Absolutely! (And absolutely beautiful too)

Laura said...

Wonderfully dramatic sky and your haiku is full of sincere longing and perhaps acceptance as well.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.