Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--- "L" is for "Little brother"

Here you go.  Little Mila, my granddaughter, now has a baby brother, Ivan (EE-vahn), named after my late husband. Do you find any resemblance between this photo of Mila and Baby Ivan?

See other L's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
All grandkids are cute
But don't tell anyone please--
Mine are the cutest!
(ha, ha)



Jama said...

He's so cute!

Trubes said...

What a LOVELY LITTLE baby boy, so blessed, welcome to Ivan,
Congratulation to the LUCKY parents and his LITTLE sister too!
Best wishes,

Tamera said...

Oh he is darling, just beautiful in every way! Warmest congratulations! (And yes, he looks like Mila. What a wonderful thing that he was named after his late grandfather.)

Nemam ime said...

Čestitam, presladak je. :) I liči na svoju stariju sestru. :)

Lowell said...

Congratulations! Your grandkids are very cute and yes, they look like twins!

Roger Owen Green said...

How sweet!

Kate said...

There is no doubt that this is the cutest baby around. I have a feeling that he is already much loved. Good to carry on the name, too.

Lisa said...

Oh, I had to click on the thumbnail to see this precious photo! Congrats to everyone for a new little bundle of love.
Visiting from ABC Wednesday.

CreativaCale said...

Čestitam.Presladak je.Zove se kao moj sin Ivan,koji je isto imao kosu ali sa loknama i bio je težak 3950 gr.Rekla bih i da je vaš mali Ivan krupna beba.Pozdrav

William Kendall said...

There is a resemblance!

Congratulations, Bibi!

Alexa said...

Adorable! Congrats all around --

Reader Wil said...

Congratulations! He is the cutest indeed, next to mine of course ;)
Wil, ABCW Team.

TheChieftess said...

A definite family resemblance!!! Congratulations Grandma!!! And congratulations to the young family!!!

Thérèse said...

Welcome to Ivan!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.