Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "T": is for "Tired"

Tired it is, when you're an energetic two-year-old. My grandson Luka is all tuckered out in this photo and soon will hit the sack, not the ottomans you see here.

See other Ts on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

He looks knackered! I can relate.

Gaelyn said...

You two must be playing very hard.

Olivier said...

je sais plus qui disait que la tele etait la meilleur baby sitting et un tres somnifère. bien vu

Tamera said...

But not too tired for Mickey Mouse! ;^)

Carver said...

Your tired is more adorable than the tired shot I used. Carver, ABCW-Team

Alexa said...

What's sweeter than a sleepy two-year-old? Not much.

Kate said...

That sweet child knows how to relax!

Nonnie said...

so sweet!

Roger Owen Green said...

Mickey puts him to sleep.

SamuraiFrog said...

Mickey Mouse, a nap... he's living the life. Cute picture!

photowannabe said...

I love how the little ones can fall asleep just about anyplace.
Cute picture.

Lowell said...

Maybe Grandma wore out the poor thing! Is that possible? It seems that cats and kids can sleep just about anywhere.

TheChieftess said...

Oh my!!! He's grown!!! Sweet shot!


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