Thursday, May 29, 2014

He who sits and watches

Bought this gargoyle for my mother's garden, but he now resides in my daughter and son-in-law's front lawn.  He never seems to tire of the view....the fragrant Spanish lavender is a treat.


William Kendall said...

His expression suggests he is amused... or up to something.

Luis Gomez said...

Looks great!

Alexa said...

It's true that gargoyles (also chimera & stryga) are pretty agreeable that way. Go figure.

Gaelyn said...

I'd be watchful of a smirking gargoyle guarding a garden. Love this shot.


 No, not the champagne-bubbly, but rather a green plastic bottle of a local bubbly mineral water that sits on my sill. Refrigerator is overl...