Tuesday, May 13, 2014

One sits, one gazes

Wall art and street sitter.

Daily Haiku
Two street artists
One forms his thoughts on paper
One in his mind’s eye


William Kendall said...

Good haiku- I'd be completely out of my depth trying to write poetry of any form, but I'm in my element writing narrative.

That is a big mural. Wow!

Gaelyn said...

Great shot. Could almost be the same guy.

Luis Gomez said...

So good!

Alexa said...

And they ignore each other. Cool shot!

Kate said...

It looks like the man could have been the model for the mural. The dual male figures make the mural image special.

TheChieftess said...

Love this!!! Looks like the guy sitting there is the same guy as the mural!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.