Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"R" is for (Dusko) Radovic

Dusko Radovic was a children's writer, journalist, poet and aphorist, and I remember him fondly. He died in 1984, and this is a photo of his newly-renovated children's theater, with St. Marko' Cathedral behind it.

See other Rs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY. Sorry---no haiku.


Lowell said...

I like the photo, but being sort of ignorant, I don't understand the title at all! :)

William Kendall said...

It's the church beyond that really draws my eye. said...

I like the atmosphere around the two crosses.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Pat!

Alexa said...

Here's my fave thing that he said: "If you solve all your kids' problems, they'll have no problems but you." Wise words.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, the church is particularly fascinating...

Leslie: said...

Nice mix of the old and new architectures.

abcw team

TheChieftess said...

Interesting juxtaposition of the old, traditional church and the new, modern theater...


 Woke up at 7 and opened my shutters to view thick fog. I kind of like fog; it's mysterious. Now it is gone...