Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"R" is for (Dusko) Radovic

Dusko Radovic was a children's writer, journalist, poet and aphorist, and I remember him fondly. He died in 1984, and this is a photo of his newly-renovated children's theater, with St. Marko' Cathedral behind it.

See other Rs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY. Sorry---no haiku.


Lowell said...

I like the photo, but being sort of ignorant, I don't understand the title at all! :)

William Kendall said...

It's the church beyond that really draws my eye. said...

I like the atmosphere around the two crosses.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot Pat!

Alexa said...

Here's my fave thing that he said: "If you solve all your kids' problems, they'll have no problems but you." Wise words.

Roger Owen Green said...

Yes, the church is particularly fascinating...

Leslie: said...

Nice mix of the old and new architectures.

abcw team

TheChieftess said...

Interesting juxtaposition of the old, traditional church and the new, modern theater...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.