Wednesday, August 13, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY "E" is for "evolution"

Well, sometimes I hit just the right photo for ABC WEDNESDAY.  Couldn't resist this one for 'evolution'.

I had heard there was very little difference in our DNA make-up and that of chimps. There's for sure some sort of resemblance between Sami, a now-deceased, long-time resident of Belgrade's zoo, and one of the zoo's caretakers.

See other Es on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Linda said...

Love this picture!

Kate said...

Cousin!!!! And, I don't mean the one with the smart phone!!

Roger Owen Green said...

HA! Very appropriate.


Thérèse said...


Hildred said...

Marvelous picture - worth a thousand words.

Leslie: said...

LOL Very amusing!

abcw team

Lowell said...

Fantastic! Yes, I've read that we have about 95% or so of the same DNA as apes...but then we do have a common ancestor, so that makes sense!

William Kendall said...

Quite a formidable sculpture!

ellen b. said...

What a great shot...

Alexa said...

I really did laugh out loud! This image is priceless.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

You couldn't have done better if you had posed it yourself.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Great capture...if we are descended from apes, why are there still apes?
Just sayin...♪

TheChieftess said...

This made me laugh even before I read the caption!!!

Gaelyn said...

Perfect! Absolutely love this.


 Two summer ago I went with my family to  Barcelona. Gorgeous weather, not too hot, but very sunny. Couldn't resist photographing this l...