Tuesday, August 12, 2014

They don't make them like this anymore...

How many times have you heard (usually older) people say, "They don't make 'em like this anymore?"

Well, it's true for some things, like this old gate. Now gates are more often all shiny, rust-proof, and streamlined.

I love the story that this gate tells.


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful and yes, sometimes I see things that I am sure no one can do anymore.
This photo is very good for next month theme day.

William Kendall said...

This gate really has character!

Lowell said...

There is something to be said for the craftsmanship of old which seems to have disappeared from our lives (except for the very rich who can still afford it)...

Thérèse said...

J'aime beaucoup mais quel boulot pour les decaper et les repeindre.

Kate said...

It truly is beauty!

Alexa said...

Even I say that—and I'm not old, right? :~}
Though I do prefer when objects (and—ahem—people) are allowed to age gracefully, like this gorgeous gate.

Gaelyn said...

If a gate looked like that and was modern it would be flimsy and cheap looking. This gate has a story.


 I won a selection of cheeses yesterday at the Balkan Cheese Festival here in Belrade. Over 200 locally-produced cheeses (France needn't...