Thursday, September 18, 2014


When I walk early in Tasmajdan Park, I often see this woman on the same park bench.  Of course she's not there in inclement weather, but when it's warmish, she is, and I go early enough to see her awaken, make her 'bed', and then do her hair.  And then she speaks, sometimes softly, sometimes in a harsh voice, to  her suitcase.

Of course I don't stick around to eavesdrop, but this is so sad. I wonder what her story is.


William Kendall said...

Sad indeed.

Kate said...

She seems so very young to be in such dire straits.

Bob Crowe said...

It's heartbreaking but you see it everywhere. Certainly here.

Thérèse said...

And she seems to have a lot to carry around too...
Les histoires sont souvent tres demoralisantes et surtout derourantes tout du moins ici autour de TOulouse.

from Madrid said...

A very similar story occurs here in Madrid at a bus stop. Lately no longer see the lady.
Hopefully be a better place!


Luis Gomez said...

Always a sad thing.

Gaelyn said...

Hope she doesn't have to lug all that stuff very often.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.