Friday, September 19, 2014

SKYWATCH--gray sky, black bird

It's a black bird, not a blackbird, at least black in its silhouette. I think it's a pigeon, perched under an arch in Kalemegdan Park.  Just  below it stands this fellow, so I imagine the bird's keeping its distance! See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Judy said...

Quite a different image of a pigeon!! I love the way it makes me re-interprate what a pigeon looks like!!

eileeninmd said...

Pretty sihouette..Great sky capture! Have a happy weekend!

Antonina said...

Fantastic shot!

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot.

Kate said...

I always knew that birds are smart and this bird in black knows to stay away from dangerous dinosaurs.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very artistic shot, and nicely composed!

Indrani said...

Nice silhouette, well taken.

from Madrid said...

Wonderful the silhouette of the bird.


Priyashi said...

Lovely capture...:)


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