Saturday, October 25, 2014

Aix-en-Provence: the santon maker

Santons are little figures (literally, little saints) that are typical of Provence.  Originally they were made to represent the nativity, but expanded into local characters, such as women in Provencal dress, men carrying loads of sticks, and so on. In the bottom photo you can see that there's even one of Aix's well-known painter, Paul Cezanne.  The top photo shows a worker in Fouque's famous santon workshop working on a figure.  Santons come in sizes usually ranging from about a foot tall to tiny 'flea' santons, all beautifully hand-painted....and very expensive.


Kate said...

The artist is concentrating with intensity.

William Kendall said...

He definitely is focused.

Gaelyn said...

He really does look lost in the work. Such detail. All made of clay?

Lowell said...

I'll bet you're calling your grandkids by the name, "Santons." I've not heard of these before, but they remind me a bit of Hummels, of which we have a few. Also expensive.

BTW, I'm posting a bit on L&L Photography (

Alexa said...

I was thinking what Kate said: such concentration!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.