Friday, October 24, 2014

Pain au chocolat

Still in Aix and getting up early to walk around taking photos before most people hit the streets.

All this of course makes me creme and a pain au chocolat...


William Kendall said...

Now I'm ravenously hungry again. Too tempting!

Kate said...

Looks like a temptation difficult to resist. Early morning photos are the best.

Gaelyn said...

Well that certainly makes me hungry.

Alain said...

A Toulouse, on appelle cela une "chocolatine".

Gunn said...

A nice start to the day! Have a nice day with and without your camera.

Nadezda said...

Des petits pains au chocolat à Belgrade, miam :)

Alexa said...

The perfect start to the day!

Thérèse said...

Cela me conviendrait tout a fait.
Bonne chasse aux photos!

Unknown said...

Now I am thinking of a Joe Dasin song:
Le petit pain au chocolat


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