Thursday, November 20, 2014


One from my archives, since my Nasty Bug hasn't allowed me out for long periods to do photos.

This guy strolls in style past mannequins in style....


William Kendall said...

There's a fellow who stands out.

The skull and crossbones compels me to say "shiver me timbers."

Thérèse said...

Si il a vecu autant d'aventures qu'il a de symboles sur lui alors chapeau!

Lowell said...

If I saw him here I'd think he was in town for the Daytona Biker Week.

Re your comment: That "phobia" isn't so strange. In fact, I've been present when golfers have hit cars driving by a golf course. Keep your windows up! :)

Luis Gomez said...

What a wonderful capture Pat!

Alexa said...

That's an excellent shot for "Throwback Thursday"!

Bergson said...

trop typée

Gaelyn said...

How old of an archive. This guy walked out of the 60s.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.