Monday, December 22, 2014

"Moskva schnit"

Hotel Moskva's famous cake, the "Moskva Schnit" (schneet) turned 40 last November.  Where was I?  Obviously oblivious to that fact, since #1 I spent a large part of that month sick as a dog, and #2 I don't eat cake hardly at all.

If you click here and can read Serbian, you can read about its history from when it was invented in 1974.  Even if you don't know Serbian, you can see photos of the 40th anniversary at the hotel, attended of course by its creator, Anica Džepina, now retired.

You might remember this post of mine from 2008.


William Kendall said...

That cake looks to die for!

Luis Gomez said...

That looks sooooo good! I want it! ;)

Lowell said...

Well, it must be good to have lasted for 40 years!

Gaelyn said...

Looks like cake worthy of eating to me.

Thérèse said...

Je me souviens ete passee devant cet hotel a notre dernier passage... il y avait des tracts de distribues que j'ai du me faire traduire bien sur. Le gateau a l'air visuellement bon mais quand je lis la recette je prefere eviter.

Alexa said...

I'm not a big cake-eater either (though this one looks like it might be made with almonds, in which case an exception might be made . . .). Pretty presentation, at any rate.

Jack said...

It looks fabulous. Sorry you were ill. I am a cakeavore. In fact, I am a mosteverythingavore.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.