Wednesday, January 7, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY "Z" is for "zoomer"

A new word for me, and possibly for you. I'm always at a loss for Z words.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines 'zoomer' as:  a baby boomer (born between 1946-1964) who is energetic and adventurous in retirement, who rejects traditional, passive stereotypes associated with aging and retirement. —David J. Demko, PhD,, 1998

So I am one.  Are you?  That's me in the brown trousers and black top on the step on the left during my last trip to India in 2013.  Getting itchy to go again.

See other Zs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

I have heard the term before... I'd wondered if it had been coined by someone else though. Beautiful shot!

William Kendall said...
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Alexa said...

I'm not a zoomer yet, since I'm not yet retired—but thanks for the new—and, I hope, soon(ish) to be applicable—word!
(And maybe we'll travel to India together one of these years.)

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard that word before!Cool, now I know what I myself am, too! Happy New Year to you!

Julie said...

No, I am not a zoomer, unfortunately. But I do like the term. I do not have a problem with the stereotypes of ageing.

Photo Cache said...

looks like a fun trip.


Ingrid said...

Nice "zoomed" picture :)

ABC Wednesday

Thérèse said...

I am definitively a Zoomer! Never heard of the word before though.

Lowell said...

Zoom away to India! I'm too old to be a zoomer. I think they'd call me already zoomed! Fascinating photo!

Roger Owen Green said...

I think lots of boomers THINK they're zoomers!


Anonymous said...

A new adjective to myself

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ooh, I like that...I'm definitely a zoomer♪

MeMumbaikar said...

new Z for me
Lovely photo and location.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.