Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Granny Smith

These are Granny Smith apples and they are a lovely shade of green.  But you've seen green ones, so I did them in sepia.  The apples are now history and they were good....


William Kendall said...

Sepia is a good choice for the shot!

Gaelyn said...

How can I be sure they're Granny Smiths? ;)

Indrani said...

Nice lighting. Well taken pics.

Lowell said...

Historical sepia green apples which no longer exist. It's a good thing you have this shot by which to remember them!

BTW, we saw that funny movie the other night about a group of older people from England who go to a hotel in Jaipur, India to retire and start a new life. Good flick!

Alexa said...

And yet you can still enjoy them visually. Beautiful shot!


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...