Monday, January 5, 2015

Colors in motion

This lady was carefully picking her way down an icy street. Looks like I was a bit concerned about my own movements when I sneaked this shot, since she's a bit blurred....


Julie said...

From her posture, she is expecting to fall at any moment. I am knocked out by her colour-scheme.

William Kendall said...

She's chosen good colours. And yes, there's a bit of a tenseness in her body language, quite like you'd expect of someone who's trying to take care not to slip on a frozen patch of sidewalk.

Alexa said...

I know how she feels. I'm usually a sprinter -- except when the streets are icy, when I walk like I'm 106 yrs old. :-)

Gaelyn said...

None of us want to slip on the ice.

Thérèse said...

Justement le flou va avec la marche peu assuree en ces temps de gel.
Le defile des couleurs.

Lowell said...

Great street shot! One has to be sister slipped on ice and broke her hip several years ago and after several operations she's still in pain.

Indrani said...

She seems to be in a hurry :)
Great capture.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.