Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Strong wind.

Well, of course the wind didn't bend these posts, but I got you eye, didn't I?

More like a heavy vehicle took the turn too short.


Luis Gomez said...

Nice find! ;)

Lowell said...

Well, my dear, it seems that you don't know for sure. Might it have been the wind, after all. Perhaps they were faultily installed to begin with and a vehicle finished what the wind began? :)

William Kendall said...

Somebody's been bumping into them without looking!

Thérèse said...

Who knows after all...

Indrani said...

Ha ha I almost...
didn't believe it :)

Alexa said...

Funny—but a really good composition too!

Gaelyn said...

If they were put on bungee cord they just snap back.


 My post yesterday was so dark, both figuratively and in reality. Here's one more from my baby Minox DCC 5.1, which is more cheerful.