Wednesday, February 4, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY--"D" is for "detail"

In the back yard of my daughter's house stands the most beautiful magnolia tree, laden down with beautiful blossoms in the spring.  I found this magnolia pod and liked the texture. I will crack it open to see the seeds, which are, I think, red.  Should you have a pod and want to grow a magnolia tree, just google 'magnolia pod' and you'll see how.

See other Ds on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

NOTE:  A big THANK YOU to blogger Alain, who informed me that this tree's name is named for the French botanist Pierre Magnol (June 8, 1638 – May 21, 1715) from Montpellier, France.


William Kendall said...
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William Kendall said...

The first shot made me think it was something under water.

Kate said...

I wonder how hearty a magnolia tree would be in MN? I think I'd better check the link you suggested.

Thérèse said...

I do love magnolias and I miss so much the one we had in California... the color, the odor, the view everything.

Thérèse said...

Un magnolia a Seattle? Inhabituel, non?

Gaelyn said...

Nice macro. I remember the magnolias blooming in Seattle.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful Pat.

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful Pat.

Alain said...

C'est l'arbre de Magnol, un Montpelliérain.

Roger Owen Green said...

close up, I could not have told you what it was. Nifty.


Alexa said...

Excellent closeup!

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous macro!

Indrani said...

Amazing details!

LuiZ FernandoS said...

In the neighborhood I grew up, the streets are lined with magnolias and when we were kids, we liked to step on the seeds to hear it crackle.


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