Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Last year's, but holding on.

The fruit of some decorative cherry tree, I think. Still holding on from last year.


Gaelyn said...

Might be nicely fermented. :D

William Kendall said...

It's quite pretty like that.

Thérèse said...

Oh my! Are you sure you are in Seattle?? Is it waiting for it's first snow?

Lowell said...

Very dramatic photo! Especially with that little bubble of water - hanging on - like the fruit!

from Madrid said...

It is very rare to find a fruit of last year.


Luis Gomez said...


Luis Gomez said...


Kate said...

Very tenacious! Surprised some little bird or tree animal hasn't found it. A bright spot in a dreary season.

Alexa said...

The fruits on a crabapple tree look like this in winter too. Whatever it is, it's been very nicely captured by you!

Pat said...

I thought that at first, too, but it didn't look like the crabapples I used to eat off my grandmother's tree. Not same leaves either, so I figured it was some kind of decorative 'cherry'....or something!

Denton said...

love the water droplet and the color


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.