Monday, February 2, 2015

Feeling devilish

It's my birthday today and I am feeling devilish.  This little devil adorns a stool in El Diablo coffee shop on Queen Anne in Seattle.  Good coffee, with a mug of their featured brew for only one dollar.


Lowell said...

Must be one hell of a good cuppa coffee!

Gaelyn said...

Hope they give you a free coffee for your birthday.

from Madrid said...

Happy Birthday, Bibi, many happy more!


from Madrid said...

Happy Birthday, Bibi, many happy more!


Rob Siemann said...

Happy birthday, little devil!

Alain said...

Il y a aussi un "Diablo" sur le tour de France cycliste cf Le Gorafi

Luis Gomez said...

Enjoy it.Have a great one!

Luis Gomez said...

Enjoy it.Have a great one!

William Kendall said...

Happy Birthday!

Alexa said...

Make as much mischief as you want—it's your day. Bon annivérsaire, ma chère!

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Parabéns pra você!

Rajesh said...

Many many happy returns of the day. Have a great time.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Happy Birthday, Bibi!

Hope you are enjoying Seattle. I always loved your Belgrade photos.



 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.