Saturday, April 25, 2015

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--the turtles are out

It's warm enough here in Seattle (not that warm by my standards....) for the turtles at Green Lake to be out sunning themselves. Most line up on floating logs, but this individualist opted for a tree branch.  Is this a new stage in evolution, tree-climbing-turtles?

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


Luis Gomez said...

I like turtles a lot!

William Kendall said...

There's a pond here where they tend to do that, but I haven't seen them yet.

Gaelyn said...

If I were a turtle a sun warmed branch would be my choice. Green Lake is such a delightful place. I used to roller skate around it.

James said...

Beautiful black and white shot!

Alexa said...

I know you love turtles—and I'll be impressed with his evolutionary progress when he gets high enough in the tree to require rescuing.

layman rob said...

Haha I like this one.

Laura said...

wonderful reflections!


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