Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY--Missing Milica

You may have forgotten the 1999 NATO bombing of Serbia, but people here have not. Many memorials and statues have been erected around the country.  The one above represents a little girl, Milica Rakic, who along with 79 other children, was killed in the bombing.  The original statue (the memorial behind it was there earlier) was placed over 15 years ago, and a few months after, was stolen; thieves never found and the whereabouts of that statue are unknown.

The words on the memorial read in both Serbian and English, "We were just children."

See other Ms on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Unknown said...

Your entry touches my heart.... and makes me angry aswell. I never will understand why people can think they have the right to destroi (and take away) something so special and precious.

Very good of you to pay attention to this!!

Thank you for participating again in our weekly photo-meme!
Hope to may greet you next week, and more weeks to come, again!

Have a nice abc-week/day
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Lowell said...

A potent memorial as to the horrors of war!

Roger Owen Green said...

i do remember...


William Kendall said...

So poignant.

Alexa said...

It was—and is—heartbreaking.

Photo Cache said...

Sobering reminder of painful past.


Thérèse said...

Les terribles réalités. En tire t-on une ou des leçon(s) ?

fredamans said...

Heartbreaking, but beautiful tribute.

Mo said...

A great reminder if only we would learn and change behaviour.

Gaelyn said...

Sad times.

Unknown said...

God bless this precious babies family. How sad to have lost a child in such a tragic way. Truly heartbreaking.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.