Tuesday, October 6, 2015


During my travels this past year, I have seen many people begging...  I have to admit that I have become somewhat desensitized to their plight.  Her sign reads, 'Help me (buy) medicine.'  True or not, who knows?  I gave her  a few dinars.

Do you give to those who beg?


William Kendall said...

I find it's better to give to organizations that can do the most good for these people- Salvation Army, United Way. It is easy to become desensitized.

LuiZ FernandoS said...

I usually give mainly for older people. I do my part, if they are cheatting, it is their choice.

Lowell said...

It is a conundrum. Some of these folks are truly needy. Others are exploiting the situation. I'm glad I'm not doing either, and will give sometimes depending...

Bob Crowe said...

That's such a tough decision. There has been considerable research here showing that the majority of beggars are drug addicts and alcoholics who shun the social and medical services available to them. I remember seeing sign after sign in the bus shelters in Philadelphia urging people not to give to beggars because the city has so much to offer them. Still . . .

Thérèse said...

J'essaye de leur parler quand j'en prends le temps, un sandwich est une des solutions possibles...

Luis Gomez said...

It is always so hard.

Alexa said...

That IS a tough one. I'm pretty cynical, I'm afraid—for good reason here. So you don't have universal health care there that would provide her medicine?

Kate said...

It is a terrible situation to be in, and I wish that begging was not necessary for anyone.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.