Tuesday, December 29, 2015


On the way to a friend's house the other day, I browsed through one of Belgrade's open markets and found this lovely young woman and her charming daughter who were selling homemade biscotti.

I bought a pack and they were delicious!  I've sent them a copy of the photo!


Lowell said...

They are both very beautiful! How wonderful that you met them by chance and had the opportunity to also buy some of the fruits of their labors.

William Kendall said...

I've only noticed biscotti in stores this time of year in the last few years.

Alexa said...

How nice of them to pose for you—and how nice of you to send them the photo (which they'll love, no doubt).

Thérèse said...

What a smile! Exactly what is needed everywhere.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.