Monday, December 28, 2015

Stairway to Heaven....and back.

Ah, beams of light....from above, to be sure, but only from the entrance to this underground passage below one of Belgrade's main streets.  And the escalator isn't working....


William Kendall said...

And trudging up a non-working escalator always seems so much more of an effort than conventional stairs!

Gaelyn said...

Just follow the light!

Thérèse said...

Zut pour le non fonctionnement...

Lowell said...

Well, stairway to heaven may be stretching the metaphor, but it's a nice try. What do you call an escalator that doesn't work? The stairs, silly.

Alexa said...

It probably shouldn't be too easy to get into heaven, after all. :~}


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.