Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm here...was and still am....

Today is my birthday. I'll let you guess which one from the postmark.

I received this from my aunt yesterday in the mail....  My mother sent this announcement out just after I was born.  She passed away two years ago, and I'm glad in some way that she 'showed up' for my birthday.


William Kendall said...

A very Happy Birthday to you!

Gaelyn said...

What a delightful surprise. Happy Birthday my friend!!! Did you see a shadow? ;)

Kate said...

Ah, what a sweet announcement and a lovely surprise to receive the card! Happy Birthday and Happy February!

Diane said...

Happy Birthday. I have all my baby cards that were sent. When my Mum passed on 10 years back I discovered all the cards in a box. Have a wonderful day, Diane

Luis Gomez said...

So beautiful Pat. Have a great birthday!

Bill said...

What a nice remembrance to receive especially on your birthday. Hapy Birthday to you!!

Jack said...

This is very cute, Pat. It seems your parents were delighted to welcome you into the world. And, glad that you are still here!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.