Monday, February 1, 2016

THEME DAY-- scene from a coffee house

Hotel Moskva here in Belgrade is just what it says--a hotel, but with a splendid pastry and coffee shop as well, so...

Was having coffee with a friend and this kid just kept staring at my camera....and sticking out his tongue....  I caught him just as he was about to do so again, and so did his mother.....who didn't seem to mind....  ?

See other scenes and perhaps impudent children on CITY DAILY PHOTO THEME DAY.


Mo said...

Clearly wanted his photo taken

William Kendall said...

A ham for the camera!

Sharon said...

What a cute shot. And, that looks like a lovely place.

Gaelyn said...

He's adorable.

Kate said...

Your audience has mixed feelings; certainly wants to be noticed.

Merisi said...

Little rascal, entertaining himself in a beautiful coffee place!

Thank you for participating in this month's Theme Day, it is great fun,

LOLfromPasa said...

Sweet photograph! You got his attention, for sure.

Jack said...

How sweet! One of the best coffee posts.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.