Saturday, February 20, 2016

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS-what we do in the trolley bus

Each to  his own pastime in the trolley.  Which one of these people would be you?

See  other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


Bill said...

If I'm sitting at a window, my camera is on my lap ready for whatever looks interesting :)

Lowell said...

I enjoy these kinds of shots and always wonder who these people are, where they're from, what they do, etc.

Cool capture!

William Kendall said...

I would be staring out the window.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Always have my camera ready. Beautiful reflections. Have a lovely weekend.

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Definitely I would be the one in the center

Anonymous said...

cool shot...I would be the lady checking her phone!

Alexa said...

The one with the book if this were a subway—but on the street I'd probably have a camera (or phone) in my hand, at the ready for a photo op.


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